ALL FERRETERRO PREMIUM Slings are polyurethane impregnated which has remarkable anti abrasive and cut resistant properties.
Slings life increases significantly and works easily in harsh conditions provising excellent resistance to abrasion and minor cuts.

FERRETERRO – PREMIUM lifting slings are a brand new innovation from FERRETERRO. The fully reinforced loop offers all-round protection in the region of the crane hook.
The optimised woven construction of the belt and edge ensures that long service-life is achieved in the face of abrasion, pressure and edge wear.

In contrast to the standardised safely factor (SF) 7, the special construction achieves an increased SF.
In practice this means that when abrasion, soiling or weathering reduce the SF in the course of use by a factor or perhaps 2, the FERRETERRO – PREMIUM slings are still safest. It therefore optimally satisfies your safety requirements for its entrire life. The FERRETERRO slings are therefore altogether capable of accepting more stress, are more robust and less sensitive.

ALL FERRETERRO PREMIUM Sling comes with strategically placed microchip inside layers of slings which is water and chemical resistant. The chip contains a Unique no. in digits which gives the no. and details of sling, manufacturing date, dispatch details and vital information of the sling. The transponder works within 10”range and is a great boon for safety and auditing purpose.For personalized details fed in chips kindly contact our sales.

FERRETERRO has also introduced special weaving and SUPEREDGE. The durable Super Edge Zone webbing has a dense pack of extra fibers creating a edge profile. This unique weave design provides extra protection to abrasions and scuffing which maximizes the service life of the Ratchet assembly.